Lockable resources in Jenkins
The folowing lines describes lockable resources support in Jenkins. The motivation to use lockable resource is this: Let’s say you want to delegate building of your project to third-party build software which can handle only one build at time. To prevent build fails for other projects trying to use the build software during building with the build software Jenkins offer support for lockable resources. Lockable resource can be acquired by running Jenkins job and other jobs trying to acquire the same lockable resource are moved to Build Queue where are wayting until lockable resoure is released by running job.
To setup lockable resource in Jenkins go to Manage Jenkins > Configure System
and there in section Lockable Resources Manager fill Resource form this way:
Name: build-lock Description: Third party build software lock.
note: leave Labels and Reserverd by fields empty
and then click to Add Lockable Resource button.
In your project configuration (Configure option) in a General section check This build requires lockable resources option and set Resources field to build-lock
, click Save button and we are done.