Implementing custom iterator (the story behind)

Guide to implement random access iterator working with parallel std::transform algorithm to support parallelization for pixel algorithms (such as raytracer) …

I’ve recently go through great raytracing related book where “raytracing” loop was implemented more or less this way

RGBColor	L;

Ray ray;
ray.o = eye;

int n = sqrt(num_samples);

for (int r = 0; r < vres; r++) {			// up
	for (int c = 0; c < hres; c++) {		// across
		L = black;
		for (int p = 0; p < n; p++)		// up pixel
			for (int q = 0; q < n; q++) {	// across pixel
				Point2D sp = sampler->sample_unit_square();
				pp.x = c - 0.5 * hres + sp.x;
				pp.y = r - 0.5 * vres + sp.y;
				ray.d = get_direction(pp);
				L += tracer->trace_ray(ray, depth);
		L /= num_samples;
		display_pixel(r, c, L);

It is simple, we calculate light for each pixel in output image by casting ray in “right” direction.

The book was written in year 2006 so the raytracer is written in C++98 without any parallelization support. Because calculating light for each pixel is independend to other pixels around raytracing loop is ideal candidate for parallelization.

In C++17 we can implement parallel raytracing with replacing our for based loop with parallel std::transform algorithm. We “only” need iterator allow as to iterate through each pixel and function calculate light for that pixel. Our new raytracing loop implementation now become

auto pixel_rng = pixel_pos_view(vp.hres, vp.vres);
transform(std::execution::par, begin(pixel_rng), end(pixel_rng), begin(pixels),
	[&](pair<size_t, size_t> pixel_pos){  // (c,r)
		RGBColor L{black};
		Ray ray;
		ray.o = eye;

		auto & [c, r] = pixel_pos;
		for (int p = 0; p < n; ++p) {  // up pixel
			for (int q = 0; q < n; ++q) {  // across pixel
				Point2D sp = sampler->sample_unit_square();
				Point2D pp;  // sample point on a pixel
				pp.x = c - 0.5 * hres + sp.x;
				pp.y = r - 0.5 * vres + sp.y;
				ray.d = get_direction(pp);
				L += tracer->trace_ray(ray, 0);

		L /= num_samples;

		return map_to_pixel_color(L);

note: some weeks after the implementation I’ve saw Matt Godbolt in his Path Tracing Three Ways: A Study of C++ Style CppCon talk where he described cartesian_product view serving for similar purpose …

where dereferencing our new pixel position iterator returns pair<size_t, size_t> representing pixel position as (column, row) pair. The lambda function takes pixel position pair and calculate light for pixel on that position.

This post series will describe how to implement pixel position iterator capable parallelizing pixel algorithms like raytracer described in the book.

The first post is this the story behind post, then I will describe input, forward, bidirectional and random access iterator implementation each in separate post and raytracer engine integration at the end.

For now see github repository for the current iterator implementation.