Recently I had a chance to work with soup library regarding WebSocket support in C++ application and that is where the idea to create WebSocket starter project/template was born.

The C++ WebSocket starter template is intended for easy prototyping on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with Scons build system. As usually just three simple steps setup, clone and build & run and we are ready to start prototyping WebSocket application. So let’s dive in

tip: if you are not yet familiar with SCons watch out SCons starter tutorial

1. setup

Presented WebSocket channel implementation is build on top of libsoup library and it is also the only dependency there (except the build environment ofcourse). Libsoup library package can be installed with

sudo apt install libsoup2.4-dev


tip: for the build environment use sudo apt install g++ git scons (if there is any package missing in the commnd, please let me know)

2. clone

Clone starter project repository with

git clone

command which creates websocket-starter directory with starter project files.

3. build & run

To start a build process run scons

scons -j16

tip: we can speed up building with -jN argument where N is number of available cores/threads

Which produce, eserv (WebSocket echo server sample) and test (library unit tests).

To play with echo server sample, run

$ ./eserv 
glib event loop created
listenning on ws://localhost:41001/test WebSocket address
press ctrl+c to quit

and open websocket.html file in a web-browser window and you should see

- WebSocket is supported by your Browser!
- ws << John
- ws >> John

on the page if everything is working.

Secure WebSocket connection

Secure WebSocket connection is also supported, there are seserv (Secure WebSocket echo server sample) and sclient (Secure client sample) sample programs to demonstrate.

note: seserv and sclient are produced together with eserv ans test during build process

  • run echo server with
$ ./seserv 
glib event loop created
listenning on wss://localhost:41001/test WebSocket address
press ctrl+c to quit
glib event loop running ...


  • run client with
$ ./sclient 
glib event loop created
connectiong to wss://localhost:41001/test WebSocket address...
press ctrl+c to quit
glib event loop running ...
<<< hello!
>>> hello!

command. The client send "hello!" and expect the same replay from echo server.

We are done, feel free to modify …

See also OGRE starter project, SConst starter project for more starter templates.