I’ve saw handy safe system handle implementation in The Modern C++ Challenge (problem 21) book and found it handy in case of working with plain C file streams (aka. FILE *, fopen(), fclose(), …). It was originally written for windows HANDLE, but it is easy to use it also with FILE *, this way

#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
using std::cout;

int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
	file_handle fin{fopen("system_handle.cpp", "r")};
	if (!fin)
		return 1;

	// read file
	char buf[4096];
	size_t bytes = fread(buf, sizeof(char), 4096, fin.get());
	cout << "readed "<< bytes << " bytes\n";

	cout << "done!\n";
	return 0;

where file_handle is defined as unique_handle<> specialization this way

//! safe system handle wrapper
template <typename Traits>
class unique_handle {
	using pointer = typename Traits::pointer;

	unique_handle(unique_handle const &) = delete;
	unique_handle & operator=(unique_handle const &) = delete;

	explicit unique_handle(pointer value = Traits::invalid()) noexcept
		: _value{value}

	unique_handle(unique_handle && other) noexcept
		: _value{other.release()}

	unique_handle & operator=(unique_handle && other) noexcept {
		if (this != &other)
		return *this;

	~unique_handle() noexcept {

	explicit operator bool() const noexcept {
		return _value != Traits::invalid();

	pointer get() const noexcept {
		return _value;

	pointer release() noexcept	{
		auto value = _value;
		_value = Traits::invalid();
		return value;

	bool reset(pointer value = Traits::invalid()) noexcept {
		if (_value != value) {
			_value = value;
		return static_cast<bool>(*this);

	void swap(unique_handle<Traits> & other) noexcept {
		std::swap(_value, other._value);

	pointer _value;

template <typename Traits>
void swap(unique_handle<Traits> & left, unique_handle<Traits> & right) {

template <typename Traits>
bool operator==(unique_handle<Traits> const & left, unique_handle<Traits> const & right) noexcept {
	return left.get() == right.get();

template <typename Traits>
bool operator!=(unique_handle<Traits> const & left, unique_handle<Traits> const & right) noexcept {
	return left.get() != right.get();

struct file_handle_traits {
	using pointer = FILE *;
	static pointer invalid() noexcept {return nullptr;}
	static void close(pointer value) noexcept {fclose(value);}

using file_handle = unique_handle<file_handle_traits>;

see system_handle.cpp for full blown sample

At first, I was thinking that thanks to class template argument deduction from C++17 we can use unique_ptr with custom deleter to handle FILE * this way

unique_ptr fin{fopen("system_handle.cpp", "r"), &fclose};

but it ends up with error: class template argument deduction failed comlpain while building. Later, I’ve found that unique_ptr needs to be used this way

void close_file(FILE * f) {fclose(f);}

void foo() {
	unique_ptr<FILE, decltype(&close_file)> fin{fopen("demo.txt", "r"), &close_file};
	// ...

to get it working with FILE *, which is far from the ideal. If you know the better way just leave me a comment.